Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Going Mac

First of all, I apologize for the long break. Things have been crazy lately with finishing up my Vicar year, packing up our things to move, finding an apartment for next year, looking for employment, etc.

One neat thing has happened, though. My HP laptop is basically as good as dead with a broken CD drive, chipped monitor panel, on-and-off working power chord, various cracks, broken fan, and the occasional blue screen of death. Well, that's not the good part. The good part is that on Monday I got my new laptop, and after much research and questioning I decided to get a Macbook Pro. It's just slick, durable metal, and power efficient. Now I have to be honest, one of the biggest things that annoys me about Apple and Macs is people who own them...Obviously I'm one of them, now. Just please, punch me in the face or shove me randomly in the street if I become a prideful jerk who tells everyone how awesome Apple is and looks down on inferior Windows drones or Unix nerds (or whatever). It's a choice between good and good, and I barely landed on the Mac side. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Vicar Vacation

So it's been a blast seeing friends and family for the Fourth of July, celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence and winning that crazy victory over the British. Take that, King George!

Anyways, as you see can see, weather was nice, and our two dogs, Tobi and Pica, had fun as well. This pic is great because Tobi is the least aggressive dog there is, yet he likes to play fight with Pica.

And of course, congratulations Jeff and Nicole Robeano on your new life together. The dress rehearsal was smooth and fun, the dinner was phenomenal, wedding was classy, the reception was high-class and fun, and the after-party was easy-going and good for saying good-byes. Remember Jeff, una cheve, una michelada!

It's always exciting and interesting to visit Columbus. There's always something new happening in the area and it's always refreshing to catch up with friends.